Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Farewell to a Faun

I like that title! It sounds like an aria or something :-) It is there because I finally sold one of my fauns! To those who have never been privileged to see them, here they are.
Obviously, these guys are a bit unique. When I was starting my shop, I thought it would be a great idea to sell beautiful (and non-freaky) fantastical dolls. These fauns were my first attempt. It took me forever to figure out how I wanted them to look, buy all the right materials, and piece them together and I was beyond proud of how they turned out. I couldn't imagine that maybe there aren't tons of people interested in buying half-goat mythical men. I took my little guys (Thistle, Bracken, and Nimble) to the Chattanooga Market along with some other stuff, and learned quickly that most people don't really "get" fauns. Here were some of the comments: "Um, are those devils?" "Ha, ha, they look just like my grandkids!" "What are those things???" and my favorite, from a rather pompous looking teenager: "Um, you know that satyrs don't have tails, right?" So I decided to relinquish my dream of selling fauns and stick to stuffed bears and rabbits. Then, yesterday, magically, one sold! It was Thistle and suddenly I realized that there ARE people as weird as me, somewhere out in this world. I wish I could meet the girl who bought my faun. I bet we would be friends. I probably still won't start making too many nymphs, sprites, pans, or dryads, but I feel oddly affirmed having sold at least one.