Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back to Play!

Well fellow blog-lovers, since January I have been hired by a non-profit that works with refugees, a Deli, and a Community College. Somehow, oddly enough, with all of that my shop has taken a backseat. However, I kicked butt at Artsplosure in Raleigh and Centerfest in Durham (SO FUN!) and am determined to make time to focus a wee bit more on my little critters this fall/winter. I have been playing around with a lot of new ideas, starting with new furry critters like these:

These were made per the instructions of my three year old niece, who is a bit of a bossy-pants in addition to be stinking adorable and having total control over me. I wanted them to be incredibly durable, soft, and substanstial. I was lucky enough to be donated this lovely recycled faux fur, but am not sure what to do when I run out. I guess I'll have to start hunting for a recycled faux fur supplier, which seems a bit unlikely.

I have also been playing with making pillows! My sister-in-law, the lovely Anna Guthmann, has a monogram machine and is getting pretty awesome at it, so I had her monogram the name of the city where Centerfest was onto some pillow covers I made. That, plus the appliqued NC cut-outs were a big hit! I'm not positive if I'll keep making pillows, but for now I want to see what I can do with this new product. 

I'll be posting back soon with upcoming Fall show locations and maybe some diy tutelage!