Monday, November 12, 2012

Make It Monday- Upgraded Shoeboxes

It's Monday and I decided to use my making time to help out my studio a bit. It is cute in spots, like the old wood cabinet I found on the side of the road and cleaned up, or the chair I found and recovered (impractically) in pretty white fabric. Charlie keeps coming in and sighing and saying he thinks my room should look better since it's my inspiration space, so little by little I'm trying to make it more inspiring.

I have so many odds and ends I need to store, so using shoeboxes makes a lot of sense, but come on, they are just so ugly! So I decided to prettify them a bit! Here's what I came up with and how you can make it too:

What you will need:
A box with removable lid
Brown butcher paper
Hot glue gun
Scrap fabric

1. Gather up the things you need and find a flat surface to work on and plug up the hot glue gun. First thing you want to do is take care of the lid. To cover it up with butcher paper, lay the lid on the paper and trace around it, leaving a couple inches to spare to wrap over the lip. Cut out the paper. Then fold the paper over the edges of the lid as neatly as you can and tape it down.

2. Next, cut a piece of butcher paper that is two inches higher than the height of the box and two inches longer than the perimeter of the box. Then, wrap the paper around the box like this.

3. Next, fold over the two end pieces in the middle of one of the sides so they touch and tape them down. Then, tape the extra paper over the lip on the top and bottom of the box so it looks like this: 

4. I decided I wanted little flags on the side of my box, so I cut the fabric into three flags. Using the hot glue gun, glue the fabric down on the middle one so that it covers the tape. Then glue the other flags down on either side of it.

5. Cute, huh? Then, as I am really super forgetful, I needed a way to label the box and hopefully to change the label if need be. Chalk works pretty well on butcher paper and you just need to wipe it off with a damp (not wet) washcloth. Check this out!

 What do you think? I think I'm going to make like 20 million more of these.

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